Sunday, October 18, 2009

Amazon Scanner

Last week the Denver Post wrote an article about the "Innova 3160 Scanner" on sale at Amazon which pulls the codes for the "check engine light" and "ABS light" on your vehicle. Approximate cost $470...While this may seem like the perfect stocking stuffer for the do-it-yourself dad, I might go so far as to BEG you not to give dad this little baby. If you're even thinking that your dad is a handy guy around cars (unlike a father I know who mistook the crankcase for the radiator - true story!) - buy him a ratchet instead! You make ask, "why dear crooked shop owner are you asking us not to buy dad or mom this wonder of modern technology - is it so that you can make more money??" Trust me, the answer is "no". Really, if you wanted to find out what the code was for your Check Engine Light, you could just drive on down to the local Auto Zone and there, for no money whatsover, receive the self-same information. The reason I think a device like this is a bad idea, is because the codes behind the check engine light indicate a viable problem with your vehicle. In very few cases is the scanner going to pinpoint the exact item on your car that needs to be fixed. For example, let's just say that the code says that the car is running lean on fuel. What do you do then? Now you've spent $470 and you know that your car has a fuel related issue. Danger! You erase the code and are off on your merry way for a vacation to Iowa. Halfway on your trip your car runs so lean on fuel that it dies and you're stuck roaming through miles of corn looking for anyone who can get you towed to a shop where they do know why your car is running lean and have no problem selling you $700 worth of repairs to fix the silly 02 sensor or broken vacuum line or dying fuel pump that caused the code in first place. Here's today's inside scoop:

I know the Check Engine light sucks! I know that shops fix it and it comes back on again and again. But, believe me, the seemingly expensive diagnostic you pay for is worth it. If the shop doesn't get it fixed right, and the light comes back on again, and the shop is worth their salt, they'll get it cleared up for you. But, be prepared. If the light comes back on with a different code, you may have multiple problems. No $470 scanner is going to save you money in this scenario. Instead, get dad a gift card to Lube and Latte. That way he can down a Mocha while the code gets pulled on his car and explicit details of the code are conveyed to him in all their gory detail.

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