Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Humble Beginnings

I get asked quite a bit how I got into the crazy business of car-repair and coffee shop cavorting when really, my background is in non-profit work and music performance and a dabbling in web-design. Let me make it clear, I wonder the same thing myself pretty much every day. You see, it's quite possible that I could sit behind a computer and write code, and make, uh, septuple the amount of money I make now. In addition I would have weekends off, let somebody else deal with the stress of overhead and cash flow and profit and loss...

But, really, I'm still gunning for that book deal!

Actually, I just like knowing that I'm helping people. I know it sounds cheesy and that there are a ton of other ways to help people and never worry about having dirty fingernails, or being second-guessed about my motives; but this business is exciting.

The same year that I got married, my poor, then unaware wife, agreed to my going to school even before the vows were out of her mouth. I enrolled in classes in Denver to begin learning what the heck I was getting myself into; which became a catalyst for the writing that was to follow. When the business opened, the writing got sidelined and only three years later began to imprint itself on my brain whenever I awoke.

I've decided to split the difference between owning a business and writing a book by putting out small excerpts of my experience on this blog over the next several months, and just seeing if you find it as hilarious and strange and disturbing as I did. Maybe you can learn from my mistakes...

Happy reading!

1 comment:

Jeb said...

Oh man, my eyes are starting to stink. Dustin, give it up man! If you weren't doing this, you'd be backing up Ross Pinjurbutt, Secretary to Dean Glotzbach.